- 03:54 "Four in the morning came without a warning..." #lyrics #insomnia ♫ blip.fm/~92i50 #
- 04:01 On page 36 of 256 of We Never Talk About My Brother by Peter S. Beagle. 5* for "Uncle Chaim and Aunt Rifke and the Angel." Slow pace paid... #
- 07:26 3 hours of sleep. God, why?? Oh yeah, the coffee I drank while cleaning out the closet :( #
- 07:52 Damn you, red-eye. You are a cruel mistress. Yet, I always come back... :( #
- 07:56 twitpic.com/8r0hw - Sure it doesn't look like much now. It took culling of 4 yrs worth of BS to get here. #
- 09:20 FTW: Thursday off for a 3 day work week! Thinking I should've taken today off and gone back to bed, but this works, too. :) #
- 09:53 My birthday gift to myself! It'll be a literal Xmas in July! bit.ly/6EzH4 #
- 11:47 Yesterday's crit group evisceration posted, incl. the best advice I've gotten in awhile. bit.ly/Od21C #
- 13:13 Cafe where I'm eating lunch isn't helping my sleep deprivation playing the slow version of "Valerie." Hence... ♫ blip.fm/~935hw #
- 13:43 Got caught in the rain sans umbrella twice in as many days. Am soaked and unhappy! OTOH I am more awake. #
- 16:59 Got to leave work early. Bypassed PM writing spot. Need bed....zzzz. #
- 17:11 Letting playlist of missed podcasts lull me to naptime. #
- 19:12 Had a nap & dinner. Almost feel like a real human being again :). #
- 19:19 Lots of good stuff in this Odyssey podcast: Bruce Holland Rogers on Flash Fic Structures, Pt. 2 bit.ly/WoQPm #mp3 #
29 June 2009
"All Afternoon Those Birds Twitter Twit"
Filed under:
Tough Love
Yesterday's crit group crucixion--painful as ever, but it was one of those sessions where a lightbulb went off in my head that will affect my writing positively from here on out.
I attempted two things with this story: (a) to finally break down whatever wall that's prevented me from writing something connected to my Asian-American experience ( as well as develop another niche to pimp out my stories) and (b) to write about a fascinating sub-culture that I've only a passing familiarity with.
How did I do, according to my critique group?
- Set-up was "intriguing"
- Usual compliment re: my "hip rhythm," esp. w/dialogue
- A sci-fi story w/a lot of tech stuff, but still about people/characters having to make particular choices.
- One reader got "everything I need to know about the [protagonist's] family [of origin] dynamic."
- (From the tech guy in the group, keeping me honest) Nix the term "RFID," which is already dated (my story takes place, oh, about 15 minutes in the future).
- Need to be clearer what I'm talking about when I make other references (e.g. to cochlear implants, etc.)
- Not really clear how pervasive and powerful the tech is that I'm writing about.
- Protagonist's motivations unclear--is what the protagonist doing legal? How does he feel about the world he's about to step into? Why's he stepping into it? (Grrr!)
- Short debate about expanding/expounding on technical descriptions but being careful not to do that at the expense of character.
- The most helpful comment and the one I'll take to heart for the rest of forever: To make the world of my story as clear as I made the protagonist's family-of-origin dynamic!
Filed under:
crit group
28 June 2009
"All Afternoon Those Birds Twitter Twit"
- 09:01 Looking at yesterday's 1.1k words. Need at least one scene more for crit group today. #wip #
- 09:27 Last min crit-group writing playlist: my British Blue-Eyed Soul station on Pandora. #
- 09:50 Vid of last nite's @sufferjets bout. Man, that was fun! www.vimeo.com/5359976 #
- 16:34 Back from biweekly crit group evisceration. Painful but badly-needed feedback, as usual. Blow-by-blow to come.... #
- 16:42 W00t!! Since everything's signed and official, I can announce this: bit.ly/f5peK #blog #
- 19:18 Leave my Google Reader alone for 2 days and I've got 350+ unread items?? Oh, hell no. Cut, cut, cut, cut, cut.... #
- 19:19 Time to finish cleaning out office closet. The one I made the mistake of telling gay coworkers about. /Still/ haven't heard the end of it. #
- 19:27 Closet Cleaning/Going In/Coming Out Playlist: Cole Porter--no, I mean CHICAGO XXXII:STONE OF SISYPHUS. #
- 21:10 Closet-cleaning experience: "Or I stumble through the doorway to space and time." #lyrics bit.ly/vv4YN #
Filed under:
"Signed, sealed, delivered/ I'm yours!"
Now that things are more or less confirmed, I can announce that my short story "Tough Love" will be published in the July issue of Reflection's Edge. That's in a couple of days! W00t!
Filed under:
27 June 2009
"All Afternoon Those Birds Twitter Twit"
- 08:23 On page 15 of 256 of We Never Talk About My Brother by Peter S. Beagle. 1/2way thru "Uncle Chaim and Aunt Rifke and the Angel." Usu don't... #
- 08:28 Going to @ithacamarket this morning. Haven't been in weeks. Miss the food & the people-watching. My stories need characters ;). #
- 10:29 Can actually see spots of blue sky here @ithacamarket! And the people-watching hasn't disappointed ;). #
- 12:33 When we're not crucifying ourselves on Easter: RT @melvingibbs Filipino prisoners reprise cellblock 'Thriller' dance... bit.ly/a1hMP #
- 12:41 Accomplished a few non-writing tasks this AM: @ithacamarket, haircut, shopping, & found missing cell. #
- 12:43 Wimbledon distracting me from the writing I need to get done before watching @sufferjets tonite. :( #
- 14:10 OK, I gotta get out of here if I'm gonna get writing done. Can't afford to be this absorbed in Wimbledon--it's only the 3rd round!! #
- 14:40 Good news: scored table w/outlet at cafe. Bad news: wifi enables me to listen to Radio Wimbledon. #
- 14:44 You heard 'em, folks! RT @sufferjets @DonP uh oh...better get some writing done so you can come to the game tonight! #
- 15:29 Was working at a good clip until the drama at the Ferrero/Gonzalez match. Hawkeye taken out of service. #wimbledon #
- 15:45 Ferrero wins after a double-fault. I can get back to work, now :). #wimbledon #
- 16:05 @Catrambo My pleasure :). #
- 16:06 RT @Catrambo I have been videocast! blip.tv/file/2290230 #
- 16:07 Pasting the last week's worth of #wip puke drafting together to see what sort of Frankenstein's Monster results. #
- 17:07 I'm #reading 2033: Future of Misbehavior by Nerve.com - tinyurl.com/lm649o #
- 17:11 On page 14 of 200 of 2033: Future of Misbehavior by Nerve.com. Needed research material for current #wip! Serendipitous find at $5.99. #
- 18:14 RT @sfwa If you want to follow along, @brendacooper is tweeting the Locus Awards live. #
- 18:15 Unfortunately, I can't follow along. I'm so close to finishing the first 1k words of the #wip. Then, dinner, then off to @sufferjets game! #
- 22:10 Had a total blast attending my first bout! RT @sufferjets 248 sufferjets 102 Ottawa #
Filed under:
26 June 2009
"All Afternoon Those Birds Twitter Twit"
- 08:37 On page 103 of 400 of Conjunctions: 52, Betwixt the Between by Bradford Morrow. Think I'm going to put this one on the back burner for a ... #
- 09:00 Chastized my coworkers--there will be no #MichaelJackson songs sung in tribute around me. #
- 09:48 Control of the work CD player = Sugarman 3! :) #
- 10:29 #followfriday Keeping me productive, as much as they can, anyway: @portableapps @TiddlyWiki @gtdguy #
- 10:47 Because I love circumventing The Man: Use Gmail Drafts to Mail Yourself Unallowed Files bit.ly/HWbph #
- 11:28 Some days at work, I feel like an air traffic controller. From 1981, all frustrated and stuff. :( #
- 11:41 God, this was me last crit group. Probably the next one, too :) RT @inkyelbows The Writing Critique: ow.ly/fV9L #
- 12:23 @ColleenLindsay I'm keeping such things at bay with Miles Davis's version of "Human Nature." ;) #
- 12:27 Turns out the 250+ words from last night will probably be the new intro to current #wip. #
- 13:30 Business about to pick up at work. Not in a good way. #
- 14:52 "A plastic face on satellite TV/ Says, 'Life is filled with give & take'/ He's takin' & I'm givin/ So I dance" #lyrics bit.ly/xVlai #
- 14:55 RT @goodreads 5 more days to win a free copy of Olive Kitteridge by Elizabeth Strout bit.ly/6LdS0 #giveaway #
- 15:51 @inkyelbows You hit so close to home with that critique one, I couldn't help it :D. #
- 17:38 Idea so nice, I'm tweeting it twice: RT @Lifehacker Use Gmail Drafts to Mail Yourself Unallowed Files tinyurl.com/mwves7 #
- 17:42 #followfriday Places kind enough to publish me online: @McSweeneysBooks @fantasymagazine @sixsentences #
- 18:16 Planning to go: RT @sufferjets Game tomorrow, can't wait! It will be a great day for the SufferJets to Celebrate the Right to Roll! #
- 18:18 FTW: Short story contract in my email inbox! W00t!! #
- 21:40 RT @fantasymagazine #Fantasy #Magazine #editor @catrambo interviewed on the Novy Mirror blip.tv/file/2290230 #interviews #publishing #
- 21:40 Story contract signed and back out in the (e)mail!! Double w00t! #
Filed under:
25 June 2009
"All Afternoon Those Birds Twitter Twit"
- 07:38 On page 97 of 400 of Conjunctions: 52, Betwixt the Between by Bradford Morrow. 5* for China Mieville's exerpt of THE CITY & THE CITY. Sli... #
- 07:42 I want to read: The Museum of Dr. Moses: Tales of Mys... by Joyce Carol Oates - tinyurl.com/lndbs6 #
- 07:54 E55th & Cedar=Memories! RT @WEWS Area Of Cleveland On Most Dangerous Neighborhood List www.newsnet5.com/station/19844389/detail.html #
- 09:07 Obviously, this recorded webinar I'm required to watch has my /full/ attention. :p #
- 09:13 RT @jdwcornell slashdot article on #CornellFAIL sensitive data loss is.gd/1cxvj #
- 10:01 You know those folks who stare out the rainy windows in ads for antidepressants? That's what this dayjob webinar is doing to me. #
- 12:12 RT @tinytempest comics #racefail - JLA fans don't deserve to have McDuffie writing for them. assholes. ow.ly/15G7xn #
- 12:24 Lunchtime writing plan: plotting & research. #wip #
- 14:52 Just heard how a friend got the #CornellFAIL email /after/ hearing about it on the radio! Lovely. #
- 14:54 Best resource I've found for the current #wip is @hplusmagazine! Finished reading all 3 issues. #
- 14:55 Overwhelmed myself w/online research for #wip. Solution: taking pen to paper to organize & mindmap. #gtd #
- 16:44 RT @gudmagazine RT @apexjason Apex Magazine coming out of hiatus: bit.ly/RRoMo #
- 17:52 Hi-tailed it home after work in the torrential rain. Might've been a little premature. Gonna get food & maybe head to the PM writng spot. #
- 17:55 100 Awesome Open Source Tools for Writers, Journalists, and Bloggers bit.ly/Jbgsw #
- 18:33 Thought the news about #michaeljackson broke Twitter for a second :( #
- 21:16 Had to go back to dayjob for my forgotten USB drive and ended up writing somewhere w/no WiFi. Good news: +250 words! #wip #
- 21:26 Ending my nite with #BurnNotice :D. #
Filed under:
24 June 2009
"All Afternoon Those Birds Twitter Twit"
- 07:25 On page 81 of 400 of Conjunctions: 52, Betwixt the Between by Bradford Morrow. 3.5* for "Uranus" by Joyce Carol Oates. Smooth prose that ... #
- 07:27 Writing goal for today: Get a puke draft started for last Saturday's new story idea. #
- 10:48 Some fcking wizard at the day job lost a laptop w/my PERSONAL F'ING DATA on it!! Where can I lead the lynchmob? *fckinghategasm* #
- 10:52 God motherf'ing dammit! bit.ly/Vc2xh #
- 11:44 FAIL! "The computer...was stolen earlier this month, though University officials only became aware...late last week." bit.ly/A9U6R #
- 12:24 @Catrambo Lucky!! :) #
- 12:27 Trying to put the dayjob's Epic Fail behind me so I can concentrate on the #wip at lunch. *grrrHATE* #
- 13:17 240 words of puke draft at lunch!! Feel I've accomplilshed something today :) #wip #
- 14:24 "Given the importance that Cornell places on data security, this is truly an unfortunate situation." Oh, ya THINK? bit.ly/3eBr8 #fail #
- 15:02 RT @adeniro On the blog: 10 Fantasy Worldbuilding Questions: tinyurl.com/klycsk #
- 16:43 Gonna aim for another 200+ words of puke draft after work. #wip #
- 17:48 Puke draft playlist: FOR ALL I CARE by The Bad Plus. Raw and disjointed, just like my thoughts about this #wip. #
- 18:41 Way short of tonite's planned wordcount. But I am reviewing the *gasp* research I've collected for this #wip. (Research? WTF's that? :)) #
- 19:23 Spat out 185 puke draft words. Trouble is, they were just unconnected bits of scenes. Still, better than nothing. #wip #
- 21:23 @JohnAnealio Just as impressive are their covers of "Chariots of Fire" and "How Deep Is Your Love" by the Bee Gees. #
Filed under:
23 June 2009
"All Afternoon Those Birds Twitter Twit"
- 07:24 On page 71 of 400 of Conjunctions: 52, Betwixt the Between by Bradford Morrow. Skipped JW McCormack's "Poiuyt!" for now. Didn't dig it. #
- 07:32 Task for the AM: Trim a 1000-word story down to 750 for a contest. bit.ly/y1hba #wip #
- 07:48 110 more words to cut. #wip #
- 09:25 Slowly getting the hang of the new scheduling system at the dayjob. Yes, instead of writing on the d/l *gasp* :) #
- 09:47 RT @drmabuse J. Robert Lennon on how writers REALLY spend their time. tiny.cc/qtAWF #
- 11:11 Ooh, Wimbledon's started! There goes my Sundays :D #
- 12:53 Did some cutting but still have 58 motherfkng words too many! nnnnNNGG!! #wip #
- 14:17 @Nat_alie_Jane Only have 19 more words, now =). #wip #
- 14:49 RT @sfwa Tangent Online returns to the web with short SF & F fiction reviews. bit.ly/Wyp7U #
- 16:07 Since last edit, I've only managed to cut 1 word. The slashing's gonna go from my MS to my wrists in a second :p. #wip #
- 17:31 Cool thing about getting let out of work early--better chance of getting a table w/an outlet at the PM writing spot! #
- 17:33 The Cut 18 Words or Bust playlist: CHICAGO VI. And I ain't leavin' here 'til it's done! #wip #
- 18:09 10 more words to cut. This is actually fckng painful!! #wip #
- 18:24 HA! Cut the damn #wip down to 744 words, including title, byline, etc. I'm ready for July's contest! #
- 18:35 Seems listening to Sharon Jones & The Dap-Kings enabled me to cut a few more words from the #wip :). #
- 22:02 #Eastenders!! My favorite part of Tuesday nites :). #
Filed under:
22 June 2009
"All Afternoon Those Birds Twitter Twit"
- 07:08 Starting We Never Talk About My Brother by Peter S. Beagle. Between Charles de Lint's introduction & the back cover, I can't wait to star... #
- 07:50 Story edits have been returned. Am now waiting on the contract! *happydance* #
- 09:16 "I don't mean to burst your bubble/ But the world's got troubles worse than you." #90s #lyrics ♫ blip.fm/~8o5or #
- 09:37 Read Microeconomics by David Besanko - tinyurl.com/mm83v4 #
- 09:47 Leave OH for a few yrs & what happens? RT @gudmagazine Ohioans: Save your libraries! saveohiolibraries.com/?page_id=19 #librarians #
- 11:55 Ugh. Looks like I'm actually gonna have to do some research for my next short story. As if I don't have more rewrites. Poor me, right? :) #
- 13:49 RT @jdfreivald I forget whom I'm retweeting here, but NPR wants your #flash #fiction: bit.ly/17XsZg #
- 15:11 At my dayjob desk slowly watching the pieces of my new story come together in my head. Don't have word 1 written yet, though. #wip #
- 16:25 @fantasymagazine Whoa!! Never knew you had taste like that! If you haven't heard 'em yet, I'm sure you'll like Antibalas, too. :) #
- 16:35 @fantasymagazine has me in the mood for afro-funk now. Luckily, Budos Band & Daktaris are already on the mp3 player :). #musicmonday #
- 19:42 @fantasymagazine Respect! #
Filed under:
21 June 2009
"All Afternoon Those Birds Twitter Twit"
- 07:27 On page 47 of 400 of Conjunctions: 52, Betwixt the Between by Bradford Morrow. 5* for Stephen Marche's "The Personasts." Great gonzo jour... #
- 07:30 twitpic.com/7zxyj - Adapting to the nonstop rain at yesterday's party. #
- 07:31 twitpic.com/7zxzj - This (among many other bottles) also helped us cope. #
- 07:33 twitpic.com/7zy1l - Who dares to summon me from the flame! ;) #
- 07:34 Time to get myself together & hit the road. Story edits to finish!! #
- 08:46 Departure time delayed for coffee, breakfast, & gossip! :D #
- 10:56 "Home Again!" Time to get some more coffee and finish those damn edits :). ♫ blip.fm/~8mf47 #
- 16:21 Must've partied too hard to do anything but sleep for the past 4 hrs. But I'm awake, at the mall bookstore, w/coffee and rarin' to go! #
- 17:39 Rewrites accomplished! Gonna let them cool and send them back to the editor tomorrow. I'm gonna be published again soon *w00t*!! #
- 18:47 @JohnAnealio If by partying you mean finishing rewrites for an editor deadline with a dying netbook battery, then yes :). #
- 18:57 twitpic.com/81v0q - A small part of the damage we did to our friend's yard at last nite's party. heh. #
- 18:59 Oh, no no no--I've got 3 more pieces to rewrite & submit. I need yesterday's new story idea to STFU! #
Filed under:
20 June 2009
"All Afternoon Those Birds Twitter Twit"
- 08:03 On page 35 of 400 of Conjunctions: 52, Betwixt the Between by Bradford Morrow. 3* for Ben Marcus's "Secret Breathing Techniques" for subb... #
- 08:08 We've secretly replaced the sidebar link categories on my blog with the titles of Chicago songs. Eh, 'cos I could. bit.ly/GHgET #
- 10:20 Must I really choose between overnite stay in Rochester w/friends vs finishing story edits for a deadline? *sigh* :( #
- 10:25 Screw it, I'm doing both. Why else did I pay for a netbook? #
- 14:44 Survived the drive to Rocha-cha. Just waiting out the rain so the grillin' can start!! #
- 14:46 Reviewed editor-requested line edits during the drive. And came up with a new story idea! (Like I don't have enuff to process.) #
- 20:10 Wine & food & company more than made up for the nonstop rain! Taking a bit of time out 'cos of my introverted tendencies, but just a bit. #
Filed under:
19 June 2009
"All Afternoon Those Birds Twitter Twit"
- 07:25 On page 27 of 400 of Conjunctions: 52, Betwixt the Between by Bradford Morrow. 3.5* for Elizabeth Hand's "Hungerford Bridge." Lush descri... #
- 07:26 Not looking forward to walking into 3 hr training 1st thing in the AM. Glad I'm leaving early today. So is my shoulder! *owie* #
- 07:52 Next project: 3000+ word #wip. Can't decide if it needs rewriting or cutting. Probably cutting. *snikt* #
- 08:50 Oh, snap! RT @drmabuse And maybe they should rename Granta "Stuff White People Read." #
- 09:26 It's only 10 min into the training. If not for my netbook, I'd have slashed my wrists 4 minutes ago. #
- 10:10 Training's gotten interesting. New computer system for the dayjob is going to /rawk/! Am glad I didn't slash my wrists, now :D. #
- 11:38 woot!! Another story accepted!! Just gotta get the edits back. Details once it's finalized. #
- 12:30 @littlefluffycat @AWDawno Thanks! Unfortunately for the universal balance to be maintained, I had another story rejected just now! :( #
- 13:24 #followfriday Your summer reading list: @fantasymagazine @CoyoteWild @BrainHarvest @strangehorizons @Ideomancer @clarkesworld @chizinepub #
- 13:24 #followfriday Your summer reading list cont: @Steampunk_Tales @RueMorgue @mbranesf @GrantaMag @McSweeneysBooks @The_Rumpus #
- 13:28 #followfriday Also, @believermag @PasteMagazine @thaumatrope @gudmagazine @EosBooks @subpress #
- 13:35 #followfriday Heed these people: @drmabuse @ColleenLindsay @RachelleGardner @jonrog1 @mightymur #
- 14:13 #followfriday Folks with the coolness factor: @AWDawno @AbsoluteWrite #
- 14:14 Almost time to leave to get my back fixed!! *owie* #
- 16:42 Ahh, the bittersweet feeling of sore muscles slowly getting used to being where they *should* be! #
- 16:53 @littlefluffycat I'll tell ya, it's better than multiple rejections in a day. I've had that, too :(. #
- 16:53 Trying to sit ergonomically as I go over requested story edits =). #
- 21:45 Thanks ;)! RT @mbranesf #followfriday @DonP Always offering some good info that you didn't realize you needed. #
- 21:47 Thanks too to @fantasymagazine @BrainHarvest @jbombardier #followfriday #
- 21:51 RT @The_Rumpus The Women of McSweeneys.net bit.ly/8MTNd #
- 22:26 #followfriday Keeping me productive: @gtdguy @PortableApps @TiddlyWiki #
Filed under:
18 June 2009
"All Afternoon Those Birds Twitter Twit"
- 09:22 I think the rainy weather has sapped the will to live from me and more than one coworker today... :( #
- 09:50 Rediscovering my Fictionaut account. Anything to procrastinate typing up yesterday's meeting minutes :(. #
- 10:20 "It was only a matter of time before only literary magazines teamed up with fetish porn studios to produce events." bit.ly/I00dn #
- 10:47 "Mega-hail destroyed almost 10,000 homes in China, while dead animals have been raining from the clouds in Japan" bit.ly/N987t #
- 11:31 Dragging Day at the Dayjob playlist: PEACE AT LAST by The Blue Nile #
- 11:59 RT @BoingBoing "1964 Frederick's of Hollywood catalog tinyurl.com/nsorco " fascinating peek into the past! (via @AWDawno) #
- 12:48 This just cemented my love for Karen Joy Fowler's writing & her short stories: bit.ly/mKClB #
- 14:24 Starting to whine about my shoulder like Dr. Smith from LOST IN SPACE. "Oh, the pain...the pain." #
- 14:58 I've had the hardest time knowing when to stop editing w/current #wip. Well, I'm cutting myself off! #
- 17:55 @AWDawno I've subscribed to you on friendfeed. Great, more ways to procrastinate :D #
- 17:58 RT @fantasymagazine We're switching #affiliate programs to #powell's - bit.ly/1aleBV #fantasy #books #bookstores #
- 18:00 RT @jonrog1 Spoiler! Kane and will rehearse ep207 big fight! #leverage twitpic.com/7quf9 #
- 18:12 Massive disappointment--one of my favorite musicians closed his YouTube account! :( #
- 19:39 Trying to find a market for the #wip I just finished. Sending it off will be the only way I'll quit trying to rewrite it! #
Filed under:
17 June 2009
"All Afternoon Those Birds Twitter Twit"
- 07:27 Apparently the emo version of Don Henley's "The Boys of Summer" wasn't enough. My ears are melting at a dance club version. #
- 07:28 Is the singer even old enough to even know what a "Deadhead sticker" is? She doesn't sound it. #
- 07:30 Here--share my horror! ♫ blip.fm/~8dkq4 #
- 10:00 Sure am glad I volunteered to take staff meeting minutes this summer. Yep. Minutes. Gotta love 'em. Yeah. #
- 10:09 On page 243 of 272 of Black Glass: Stories by Karen Joy Fowler. "Game Night at the Fox and Goose" was slow-building but gut-wrenching at ... #
- 10:20 I KNEW I liked Karen Joy Fowler for a reason! I'd be *proud* to be "accused" of this: bit.ly/WL8QE #
- 11:57 #blog "Can't remember the last time I read something that made the writer in me want to pump my fist in the air." bit.ly/94snb #
- 11:59 @gudmagazine Reading CONJUNCTIONS 52 currently. #
- 12:05 RT @jeffvandermeer New blog post: Shared Worlds: Real Cities That Seem Fantastical/SFnal tinyurl.com/mn39kt (via @fantasymagazine) #
- 12:28 @gudmagazine It's a literary mag that I'll pick up depending on who's in it... #
- 12:29 @gudmagazine The latest, CONJUNCTIONS 52 has fiction by Elizabeth Hand, China Mieville, Jeff VanderMeer, Shelley Jackson, &c. #
- 14:52 Finished with Black Glass: Stories by Karen Joy Fowler. Finished the back matter. A *very* educational read. #
- 16:39 Pain in my shoulder since Sunday now bad enough that I need the chiropractor to fix it :(. Owie. #
- 17:39 Appt. w/chiropractor confirmed (thank Christ)! #
- 17:43 I want to read: Generation Loss: A Novel by Elizabeth Hand - tinyurl.com/mlbzyy #
- 17:57 twitpic.com/7nnvh - $3.99 for a book like this? I had to buy it, 'cos it just wasn't right! :) #
- 18:25 On page 18 of 400 of Conjunctions: 52, Betwixt the Between by Bradford Morrow. 4* for Stephen Wright's "Brain Jelly." Great slipstream wo... #
Filed under:
Ain't Nothing Wrong With That
"I've often been accused of harnessing genre strategies to mainstream ends. I do concede that relationships, characters, and introspection are my primary interest. The fanciful is of a secondary order of importance; I usually use it to approach the large issue of perception, so that my fantastical elements, while intended as real within the stories, occupy some borderland between reality and psychology."
Found this in the Reader's Guide in the back of Karen Joy Fowler's story collection Black Glass. Can't remember the last time I read something that made the writer in me want to pump my fist in the air.
I wish I was good enough to be accused of that!
For simplicity's sake, I've been labeling myself a "contemporary fantasy" writer to my local peers, mostly because I'm a little too lazy to explain to someone what "slipstream" or "fabulism" means--hell, I've read the essays in Conjunctions 39 and Feeling Very Strange and I'm still not 100% sure what they mean. But I know enough to know these terms are just the closest-size round holes that I can cram my square peg into.***
My stories aren't Tolkien or Howard, or Heinlein or Clarke. (Not dissing--I'd love to have their careers.) But in following the example of writers who "write the kind of stuff I like to read," it's no surprise I find a connection with Fowler's statement.
***(Inner Editor: "Gee, Freudian slip much?")
(-Me: "What's this site called again?")
Filed under:
navel gazing
16 June 2009
"All Afternoon Those Birds Twitter Twit"
- 08:16 On page 229 of 272 of Black Glass: Stories by Karen Joy Fowler. "The View From Venus" is a 5* women's fic/scifi mash-up! #
- 08:23 "It's such a pity to say/ Goodbye to you" [i.e. another coworker today] #lyrics ♫ blip.fm/~8bbg8 #
- 10:19 Writer.pr0n from the notebook of @warrenellis bit.ly/88f8n #
- 10:40 Photos of Fairy Tale characters in modern day scenarios bit.ly/kwojg #
- 11:59 @accidentalhaiku Niiice catch! #
- 13:33 I'm #reading We Never Talk About My Brother by Peter S. Beagle - tinyurl.com/qbfryk #
- 13:33 I'm #reading Conjunctions: 52, Betwixt the Between by Bradford Morrow - tinyurl.com/myolom #
- 13:34 I was only gonna buy the *one book* I ordered at the indie bookstore. Clearly went apeshit :). #
- 15:55 I better get my free LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE tix tonite! #
- 16:14 I want to read: Everland and Other Stories by Paul Witcover - tinyurl.com/mew87n #
- 21:30 My consolation for never having seen LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE before tonite was seeing it for free on a big screen @TheCinemapolis! #
- 22:11 EASTENDERS! Now my evening's complete :). #
Filed under:
15 June 2009
"All Afternoon Those Birds Twitter Twit"
- 09:03 Saying goodbye to more coworkers this week; at least a couple are coming back in the fall :( ♫ blip.fm/~89705 #
- 09:13 Do I feel like risking my USB drive to see if NAV still thinks portableapps.exe is a trojan? :( #
- 09:18 Forgot I had a backup portableapps drive and tested that--so far, so good!! #
- 09:27 Hallelujah! portableapps.exe NOT zapped by NAV! Feels like having a severed limb reattached! #
- 10:06 Yesterday's bimonthly critique group evisceration bit.ly/3ptcLY #blog #
- 12:14 Local indie theater is reopening. Gonna see a free showing of LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE tomorrow! www.cinemapolis.org/ #
- 13:02 @AWDawno Been looking forward to this opening for *weeks*! Plus, I'm ashamed to say I haven't seen that film yet :(. #
- 13:03 Putting yesterday's flash fic on hold to pay attn. to the #wip I should've been working on! #
- 13:22 Decided to forego this year's "camping trip." Next year, maybe :(. #
- 14:26 @AWDawno Then, this is for you: RT @mcsweeneysbooks It's "amateur hour" on mcsweeneys.net today. bit.ly/XpDSl #
- 14:28 Am almost desperate enuff to beg someone to jam a ballpoint pen into the knot underneath my shoulder blade!! :( #
- 16:23 This tune never fails to make me smile. ♫ blip.fm/~89z5w #
- 16:45 DOCTOR WHO spoilers!! bit.ly/jGCP2 #
- 17:35 Last minute trip to happy hour. Netbook w/the #wip and Saranac Adirondack Amber. Ah, the life... #
- 21:50 @AWDawno Her friend Britney has been trying 3x/day for about 2 weeks now hehe. #
Filed under:
Tough Love
Believe it or not, yesterday's crit group crucifixion could've been much, much worse. This is what I get for bringing a story that was scribbled down after a Friday nite conversation over too much wine and untouched until the yesterday morning before the meeting. This is why John Rogers' description of first drafts as "puke drafts" (which I've adopted) is so apropos.
Anyway, it was an untitled 280-word flash piece, eviscerated thusly...
Anyway, it was an untitled 280-word flash piece, eviscerated thusly...
- Great idea (the opening hook, fashioned from Friday's conversation)
- Good opening.
- It only takes one wrong word in a flash piece (in this case, "Princess") to throw off most readers' sense of time and place.
- Only 2 out of 5 readers understood my ending (better than none, I guess)...
- ...and everyone else thought it was disconnected/disjointed from my setup.
- Minor Tense!Fail in the first paragraph
Filed under:
crit group
14 June 2009
"All Afternoon Those Birds Twitter Twit"
- 07:52 Seem to have more than made up for Friday nite's insomnia! Actually up at a decent hour today :) #
- 08:11 "Don't you know by now no one gives you anything/ Don't you wonder how you keep on moving one more day your way... ♫ blip.fm/~87d3u #
- 08:22 My Sunday groove. If I can keep this in my head all day, I'll be just fine :). ♫ blip.fm/~87dfd #
- 09:11 @AWDawno That was the nite I had on Friday. Up at 2 AM and couldn't get back to sleep until 5 :( #
- 16:46 Probably shouldn't have brought a puke draft to the crit group but the feedback wasn't all bad! Evisceration could've been a lot worse. ;) #
- 20:04 Brain is broken going thru budget! Gah!! #
- 21:00 New L&O:CI! My Sunday is now complete! #
- 21:42 Jeff Goldblum's really pulling out all the Jeff Goldblum stops in this L&0:CI ep! #
Filed under:
13 June 2009
"All Afternoon Those Birds Twitter Twit"
- 10:53 Massively overslept. Maybe it's the price I pay for *not* being hungover!! :) #
- 10:55 Hrm--none of my goodreads updates updated here, why? :( #
- 12:02 Brunch at the diner, where apparently people in this day & age still wear those tinted shades that clip onto eyeglasses and flip up! #
- 12:06 Read Intercourse by Robert Olen Butler - tinyurl.com/qe4du9 #
- 13:14 Downtown. Thought I was gonna write outside but it's a blizzard of pollen out there! I succumbed to the lure of AC and WiFi. #
- 13:53 Funny how I caught this while at the library :) RT @McSweeneysBooks "The Librarian: A Twitter Story" by Scott Douglas. bit.ly/VZdHj #
- 14:01 Maybe I just didn't have enuff coffee; just can't get my game on today. Maybe catching up on some podcasts will inspire me. #
- 15:18 Just the inspiration I needed right now. Sharon Jones interview w/Tavis Smiley. bit.ly/J2Sq5 #
- 16:33 Dagnabbit--caught in the rain w/o my brolly. Have to ride it out at the bagel place for now. #
- 16:38 All-day struggle to regain a positive outlook blown because of the twit who couldn't be bothered to get my order right, the motherfkr. #
- 22:20 @moonfrye ...never got to hear me tell her she was my first love. #
Filed under:
12 June 2009
"All Afternoon Those Birds Twitter Twit"
- 09:04 Yikes, it's like King's THE MIST out there this AM. Made it sooo hard to get outta bed this morning. #
- 09:38 The best comic book cover, and why: bit.ly/UDhDx #
- 09:45 7 types of bookstore customers: bit.ly/wh1X1 I'm an Independent some days. Most days I'm the Internet Hobo heh #
- 10:56 After-work writing time will be spent at a goodbye picnic for valued coworker. Much sadness. :( #
- 11:31 Hm--might have to rearrange my Sunday plans. bit.ly/1WKO5 #
- 12:56 Forcing myself to open the #wip file and at least look at the damn thing ;). #
- 13:13 Glad I cracked the whip on myself, like a Carmelite Monk, to make myself edit the #wip! Why waste a lunch eating? :) #
- 13:56 Looks like I can no longer use my beloved portableapps suite on the dayjob comp :(. #
- 16:20 Laughed so hard, my side is in severe pain. Gotta keep workin' though haha*ow*! #
- 16:55 #followfriday Two things that have multiplied my productivity 100fold over the past few years: @gtdguy @PortableApps #
- 21:29 Good God, I love this website. bit.ly/198CmI #
Filed under:
11 June 2009
"All Afternoon Those Birds Twitter Twit"
- 08:10 #homealone no more :) #
- 09:05 Hurm--my goodreads update didn't update here. (As if that were the biggest problem I have right now heh.) #
- 10:29 Some people have clearly forgotten my rule: Don't start none, won't be none. #
- 12:10 Thanks to skool, I actually understand the principles of "What If Batman's Villains Considered Economic Theory?" bit.ly/gYmU7 #
- 13:21 On page 218 of 272 of Black Glass: Stories by Karen Joy Fowler. Just over 1/2way thru "The View From Venus: A Case Study." #
- 16:00 Feels like I'm getting my psychic equilibrium back. #
- 17:56 At the PM writing spot with coffee & the Menahan Street Band (thru the headphones). #
- 18:26 Whoa!! RT@NorwichGrrl RIP Lone Star Stories, a mag that was with me from the beginning. So much love for Eric, who supported so many of us. #
- 18:41 Just as my story rejections were starting to get "I welcome additional work from you." At least the site's staying up! bit.ly/17dp4n #
- 21:37 Wondering if maybe, just maybe #BurnNotice is starting to lose its appeal? Still, never get sick of Bruce Campbell. #
Filed under:
10 June 2009
"All Afternoon Those Birds Twitter Twit"
- 08:11 Day 12 #homealone. The last day! #
- 10:06 Note to self: quit mentioning my home closet troubles to gay coworkers. Anticipate not hearing end of it until Xmas at the earliest ;). #
- 11:48 I think this is gonna be my bday gift to myself this year. bit.ly/6EzH4 #
- 13:16 RT @ColleenLindsay #Smallpress Day on Twitter! Recommend your favorite small/indie press book today! #
- 13:17 I can't decide between M. Rickert's MAP OF DREAMS (Golden Gryphon) or Ray Vukcevich's MEET ME IN THE MOON ROOM (Small Beer) #smallpress #
- 16:44 Woe betide the next person to mess with me at the dayjob. Just ask the last person. This is what happens when you watch too much UFC heh. #
- 17:43 Decided to go straight home to let the mood improve. You do not want to be the next person to piss me off. Rar! #
- 17:58 Confirmed my order for CONJUNCTIONS #52 from the local indie bookstore. Mood's improved already :). #
- 22:15 @AWDawno So sorry to hear that :(. #
Filed under:
09 June 2009
"All Afternoon Those Birds Twitter Twit"
- 07:09 Day 11 #homealone. Place is wrecked but not 'cos I've been a slob! Damn closet I've been working on is like the TARDIS. #
- 09:16 On page 195 of 272 of Black Glass: Stories by Karen Joy Fowler. "The Black Fairy's Curse" is a fairy tale retelling worthy of Angela Cart... #
- 10:11 RT @raebryant Fantasy Magazine's Micro-Fiction Contest: And the Winners are . . . www.fantasy-magazine.com [Congrats to the winners!!] #
- 10:13 Might not have won, but it was well worth it to be able to put "published in @fantasymagazine" in future story cover letters! :D #
- 12:06 Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot. RT @Danchaon Evil Kermit: early Jim Henson stuff. bit.ly/UWwoy #
- 13:59 Having a caffeine-proof headache & so do some coworkers. They say it's the low pressure front moving in. Probably Agent Orange or somesuch. #
- 14:51 Which Fantasy Writer Are You? China Miéville: 7 High-Brow, 39 Violent, -5 Experimental and -7 Cynical! Woohoo!! bit.ly/qYmrd #
- 16:04 Hot Chicks with Stormtroopers. 'Nuff said. www.hotchickswithstormtroopers.com/ #
- 17:48 Eventually, I'll have lived in this college town long enough *not* to be too bummed saying goodbye to the students I get to know. #
- 18:45 Hey, I look up song lyrics at work too, but damn. Isn't STS-127 due to launch soon? bit.ly/uGPOj #blog #
- 18:56 RT @charlesatan "The Future of Publishing" (podcast) Gavin Grant, Jennifer Jackson, Robert Miller, Bob Stein bit.ly/YFEk8 #
- 19:10 This #wip should've been in the can ages ago, but the ending still isn't reading the way I want it to yet :(. #
- 22:02 Was gonna sleep but I just can't resist EASTENDERS. #
Filed under:
I'm the Last One to Criticize
Sure, I slack at work. I like Steely Dan, too. And I'm grateful for every hit, but don't you guys have a shuttle mission to prep...?
I'm just sayin'.
I'm just sayin'.
Filed under:
wasting time
"So close/ Yet so far away"
My story "Good for the Gander" is a runner-up in Fantasy Magazine's May Micro-Fiction Contest. Congrats to all the winners!!
I might not have won the contest, but believe me when I say the joy of being able to put "published in Fantasy Magazine" on future story cover letters makes it all worth while!!
I might not have won the contest, but believe me when I say the joy of being able to put "published in Fantasy Magazine" on future story cover letters makes it all worth while!!
Filed under:
08 June 2009
"All Afternoon Those Birds Twitter Twit"
- 07:35 Day 10 #homealone. Day off work. So WTH am I doing up at this hour? :) #
- 08:31 RT @drmabuse RT @CollectedMisc AP: Tough times trigger rush to romance novels tinyurl.com/npm4vj #
- 08:39 I want to read: Monterra's Deliciosa & Other Tales & by Anna Tambour - tinyurl.com/ngvdmj #
- 08:57 RT @PasteMagazine Six Gateway Jazz Albums for Rock Elitists tr.im/nM1E #
- 09:05 Always embarassed to be seen in one coffee shop by an employee of another one I frequent. Feel like I've been busted by CHEATERS. #
- 09:18 On page 190 of 272 of Black Glass: Stories by Karen Joy Fowler. "Lily Red" starts slow but ends up an engrossing character study. 5* #
- 09:44 "But today the way I play the game has got to change" #lyrics #musicmonday ♫ blip.fm/~7ui0a #
- 12:03 Immensely enjoying my day off, but it's time to get stuff done! Rar!! #
- 15:09 Poking my head up for air from a closet that's needed to be cleaned out for *years*. I do'wanna go back but I gotta! :( #
- 16:08 RT @goodreads Great article by a Goodreads Author: "Using Goodreads Effectively to Promote Your Books" bit.ly/Dtrjb #
- 19:26 Low Hanging Content (Are You Working Too Hard To Find Material When It's Right In Front of Your Face?) bit.ly/bEZ4K #
- 22:42 Switched up the template a bit on the website. Looks kinda Tumblr-ish, now. www.warmfuzzyfreudianslippers.com #
Filed under:
07 June 2009
"All Afternoon Those Birds Twitter Twit"
- 08:39 Day 9 #homealone. Once again, I stayed up too late watching BLEACH last nite. Groggily planning the 2nd day of my 3-day weekend! #
- 09:18 Uh-oh. French Open tennis--guess what I'm doing this morning. 'S ok, I've written in front of the TV before :). #
- 09:34 Writing during the French Open is 1 thing. Cooking, not so good--put too much garlic powder in the eggs :(. #
- 09:46 I wanted Federer to win his first French Open too, but not in a cakewalk. #
- 09:50 Dude stormed the court & got tackled! If he got as close to me as he did to Federer, I'd have taken my racket to his head. #
- 10:54 At least Soderling is making a better show of it than Federer did vs. Nadal last year. #frenchopen #
- 12:28 Man, I /frakked/ up my website template. And I just don't feel like fixing it right now :( #
- 13:05 Taking deep breaths. Not in the best mood right now. Gonna head out with some books and just read. #
- 14:04 Of course the 1 time I hope to score a comfy chair at the cafe, all I can get is the writing spot I want 99% of the time. Story o' my day. #
- 14:22 Making myself feel better by jamming to Toto, slamming coffee, and ruthlessly unfollowing to improve Twitter signal/noise ratio. #
- 14:27 Paying my misery forward ;) RT @TaraBusch RT @quttinirpaaq bit.ly/10duvg behold the teeth gnashing horror of John Parr.... #
- 14:52 @AWDawno Totally agree! You're the last person I'd unfollow :D. #
- 14:53 I diss John Paar but I'm publically jamming to this song hehe. bit.ly/eIdZP #
- 15:34 Watching a 10 mo. old baby (playfully) slap her grandpa around. He's loving every minute of it. #charsketch #
- 16:41 I think I've regained equilibrium. Once I get dinner, I'll be able to start the office reorg project interrupted by French Open. I think. :) #
Filed under:
06 June 2009
"All Afternoon Those Birds Twitter Twit"
- 09:52 Day 8 #homealone. Planned to skip the usu early AM Farmer's Market trip; did *not* plan to sleep in xtra 2 hours. #
- 09:57 I want to read: MY DATE WITH SATAN: Stories by Stacey Richter - tinyurl.com/qplz6s #
- 10:03 Remembering when I was out & about all last weekend, I'm tempted to just be a writing hermit this weekend. But, oh, the sun... #
- 11:41 Writing interrupted by French Open tennis. :( #
- 14:05 Forced myself out of the house and into the sunshine. Getting recaffeinated. Writing will resume shortly. #
- 15:26 I'm not leaving this coffee shop until I get this damn rewrite done! #wip #
- 15:26 "I think I know what I'm doing/ But I haven't been doing it right." #lyrics (Re: my struggle rewriting the end of the current #wip.) #
- 16:03 "If I'm doing my job/ It's your resolve that breaks." bit.ly/TvTpP #lyrics #blog #
- 16:35 OMFG, I think I'm done! Gonna let this story cool off and do some market R&D in the meantime. #wip #
- 16:39 Guess this means I can leave the coffee shop, now :) #
- 19:27 Catching up on podcasts, piping them from my netbook into my stereo. #
- 20:00 Ha! A #fb friend "fervently believes that romance writers need to return the vampires they borrowed from the horror writers ASAP." #
- 21:30 Wow! To think I took an econ course in 1 building & across campus another prof was teaching the opposite material bit.ly/199kLp #
Filed under:
"It doesn't matter what I say/ As long as I sing with inflection"
"If I'm doing my job/ It's your resolve that breaks."
Filed under:
wasting time
05 June 2009
"All Afternoon Those Birds Twitter Twit"
- 07:06 Day 7 #homealone. It took me until last nite to succumb to carryout dinner :) #
- 07:09 On page 154 of 272 of Black Glass: Stories by Karen Joy Fowler. "The Faithful Companion at Forty" is so full of win!! 5* #
- 08:11 On page 172 of 272 of Black Glass: Stories by Karen Joy Fowler. "The Brew" is very rich, dense, and multi-layered. 5* #
- 09:43 Scored myself a 3-day weekend!! 'Cos I could. More time to submit stories to get rejected. #
- 10:26 #followfriday The folks who let me play in their microfic contest sandbox bit.ly/HCIip - @fantasymagazine @raebryant @catrambo ;) #
- 11:34 Wasted rewrite time looking thru previous drafts for a paragraph I simply moved to another place in the current one. #writerfail #
- 13:56 Local radio station playing our Miles Davis request: "Orange" from the AURA album (our 2nd choice, tho) ;) #
- 16:26 Had to say bye to a couple of coworkers, one for the summer and one for good :(. Sadness. #
- 16:28 About to do a jailbreak from the dayjob. #
Filed under:
04 June 2009
"All Afternoon Those Birds Twitter Twit"
- 07:21 On page 143 of 272 of Black Glass: Stories by Karen Joy Fowler. "Duplicity" is beautiful and quite disturbing. 5* #
- 08:44 20 years. Rly. RT @nytimes Police Swarm Tiananmen Square to Bar Protests bit.ly/vKO89 #
- 08:51 Day 6 #homealone. Gonna make home the PM writing spot today, I think. :) #
- 09:47 RT @raebryant Fantasy Magazine: vote for your favorite micro-fiction: "...Enjoyable...fun...vivid...well written..." bit.ly/jl6xP #
- 09:57 bit.ly/W8aJY RIP David Carradine :( #
- 10:11 Yikes--story rejected in 14 hours! Eh well, on to the next. #
- 10:47 Story that was rejected after 14 hours is now back out 35 min. later! =) #
- 12:08 Itching to go to lunch so I can finish rewriting another #wip. Gonna be a submission fool this month!! #
- 12:26 RT @Danchaon 42 Essential 3rd Act Twists a2a.me/BiN via @AddToAny #
- 14:50 Brought my order to the chaos of our dept's corner of the center's intranet! #
- 16:43 Skipping out on the after-work office party tonite. Means I gotta sneak out the back. Shhhh. #
- 16:43 My nite was already spoken for: #wip rewrites and the season premiere of BURN NOTICE. #
- 19:56 RT @fantasymagazine Can you help me find this kind of sample contract? catrambo.livejournal.com/237062.html #
- 20:15 Bruce Campbell, King Of The B Movie from @totn bit.ly/f7FVn #
Filed under:
03 June 2009
"All Afternoon Those Birds Twitter Twit"
- 10:17 Day 5 #homealone. Still have not resorted to eating canned food. Probably tomorrow, tho. #
- 10:20 If I was still in OH:RT @PasteMagazine Columbus, Ohio: Come out to the #savepaste benefit show 9pm on 6/4 at @wild_goose.bit.ly/fk6iA #
- 10:46 Feeling upper back/shoulder pain, but can't seem to find any kind of knot. Should I be worried...? #
- 11:09 The 2009 Lifehacker Pack of essential free Win downloads is out bit.ly/SOcPv #
- 11:14 Sweet! RT @absoluteWrite Just wanted ya'll to understand. So if I'm twittering 80s lyrics for the next few days, you'll all understand why. #
- 11:26 @AbsoluteWrite What could be more cultured than "Mexican Radio" by Wall of Voodoo? #
- 11:33 @AWDawno @AbsoluteWrite Tho I used to get freaked out when the guy's face would come out of the pot of beans. bit.ly/gcOsv #
- 11:41 @AWDawno Lita Ford: "I went to a party last Saturday nite/ I didn't get laid, I got in a fight/ Uh-huh, it ain't no big thing." #lyrics #
- 11:42 Jeezus H.--I just dated myself, didn't I? #
- 11:59 @AWDawno @AbsoluteWrite How about I do that Morris Day & the Time "Jungle Love" dance? :) #
- 12:07 @AWDawno @AbsoluteWrite "Come on baby, where's your guts? U wanna make love or what? Oh-we-oh-we-oh!" #lyrics #
- 12:11 @AbsoluteWrite zomg you read my mind!! I'll listen to *anyone* sing a Jim Steinman song, even Celine Dion ;) #
- 12:59 Lunchtime story editing 80s playlist: CHICAGO 16 & CHICAGO 17. #wip #
- 14:56 Check out Bruce Holland Rogers' column in Flash Fiction Online--even more brilliant than usu this month, IMO bit.ly/BHtpv #
- 17:41 At the PM writing spot. Dunno what's in this coffee but I feel like I've been hit by The Quickening from HIGHLANDER. No complaints, tho. #
- 17:50 Rewriting playlist: greatest hits by REO Speedwagon and Night Ranger #
- 17:55 Left USB drive at. Frakking. Work. *headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk* #
- 17:59 Wait--no I didn't! Slipped it into the wrong pocket!! Yay! #
- 18:34 Would *love* to submit a story right now but the WiFi at the cafe's being wonky right now :( #
- 19:26 On page 127 of 272 of Black Glass: Stories by Karen Joy Fowler. "Letters from Home" is a clinic on how to weave historical detail into a ... #
- 19:33 RT @fantasymagazine RIP David #Eddings :( Read Jason Heller's appreciation of this #fantasy author - bit.ly/14jTLt #
- 20:09 Another story submitted! Fingers crossed. Now, as the Ghost Hunters say, "On to the next." #
Filed under:
02 June 2009
"All Afternoon Those Birds Twitter Twit"
- 07:29 Day 4 #homealone. Place is cleaner. Now I've got actually home projects I wanna tackle. After work :). #
- 07:30 "You ask me what I think/ I tell you, you ignore it/ The reasons for it make me crazy." #lyrics ♫ blip.fm/~7hh3v #
- 10:36 Querying markets re: story status & making a list of current open markets. Gotta push stuff out this month! ♫ blip.fm/~7hq00 #
- 11:22 Feeling an intense hategasm coming on for the student-loan sharks. #
- 11:50 Full-on hategasm for the student-loan sharks, now. :( #
- 11:57 Hategasm interruptus--I'm pretty sure I'm going to have another story published! :) #
- 13:22 RT @mightymur Now is the time on Sprockets when we HEADDESK! I think perhaps I need a lunch break before I kill. [My sentiments exactly!] #
- 16:23 Looks like I get to leave work early. What to do with myself...? Oh yeah, more rewrites!! Rar! #
- 17:14 Good news: at the PM writing spot. Bad news: I'm 1/2 asleep and the coffee hasn't kicked in yet. #
- 17:27 Good news: more awake now. Bad news: stressing over all the #homealone chores that await me. #
- 19:17 I want to read: Monkeybicycle6 by Various - tinyurl.com/q3d6bh #
- 20:49 Good news: almost done rewriting another #wip. Bad news: Not the one I'd been working on for the past 2 days. #
- 21:49 I'm becoming physically and psychologically addicted to DEADLIEST WARRIOR. #
Filed under:
01 June 2009
"All Afternoon Those Birds Twitter Twit"
- 09:00 Did #ithacafest tucker me out? Got up late & scrambled out the door this AM. #
- 09:01 Left a crapload of dishes in the sink. And I've only been #homealone for 3 days. Eh, I've got 6 more days to do 'em ;) #
- 10:01 I want to read: One Big Happy Family: 18 Writers Talk... by Rebecca Walker - tinyurl.com/kr8xto #
- 11:43 10 Author Online Promotional Don'ts bit.ly/ICkPS #
- 11:44 More love for my FANTASY MAGAZINE microfic bit.ly/K7kkK -- still not too late to read and vote for your 3 faves! #
- 12:12 Writer pr0n! RT @jonrog1 My desk- season/plot notebook. to-do notebook, act notes ep 207 #leverage twitpic.com/6engo #
- 12:37 RT @TaraBusch Review of Radiophonic Workshop @RoundhouseLDN :) bit.ly/5JH0x [Wish I coulda seen this!] #
- 13:25 twitpic.com/6et59 - From the #ithacafestival arms dealer (read: craft fair). Chow Yun-Fat ain't got nothin' on me! #
- 13:27 twitpic.com/6etb8 - I know some folks are glad to graduate & leave, but geez. #
- 18:11 RT @charlesatan Check out The Story Is All: Ten Fiction Editors Talk Shop bit.ly/Akd0g #
- 18:16 Where am I with the Revenge of the Writer? 1 story pubbed, 2 rewrites cooling off, 2 more to finish, and 3 stories to resub. #rotw #
- 18:20 Something to get my ass in gear. #musicmonday ♫ blip.fm/~7gdvf #
- 20:25 Pausing tonite's writing to do housekeeping. Just 'cos I'm #homealone this week doesn't mean I'm gonna let the place slide ;). #
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