01 January 2009

Tweets for Today

  • 00:23 HAPPY NEW YEAR!! #
  • 08:19 And now, the New Year's Day clean-up :).... #
  • 08:23 @strikethru Good luck with that! INFINTE JEST would be waay too big for me :). BRIEF INTERVIEWS w/HIDEOUS MEN is in my reading queue. #
  • 08:23 I really, really need to be better with monitoring my @ replies :( #
  • 13:01 Glad I'm a little ahead on my "Read more novels" resolution 'cos I've already behind in my "Don't buy as many used books" one. #
  • 14:06 I think I'm a mere one scene away from finishing my WIP. #
  • 14:15 Still one problem with the WIP, and I still haven't figured out the damn solution. #
  • 19:25 Half-done with the first novel I planned to read in 2009. Sure, I got a head start but still. #
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