- 08:11 Last minute edits before group (maybe)!! #
- 08:28 "Swiss Watch Found in 400-year Old Tomb"??? tinyurl.com/578t4a #
- 09:15 Editing music. ♫ blip.fm/~19258 #
- 10:14 What I've got is about as good as it's going to get before group. Bleh. #
- 17:54 Told myself I was gonna goof off after group. So why do I have the file open, dammit? #
- 18:00 Why? Because there's only one way I'm going to get this Sword of Damocles out from over my head... :) #
- 19:38 Just discovered that mp3 links I've saved in del.icio.us now open with a flash player! That's almost as cool as Google's. #
- 19:39 Unlike Google, can't FF or REW--Fail. #
- 21:13 Time for relaxing music, tea, and bed w/a book. ♫ blip.fm/~19b10 #
21 December 2008
Tweets for Today
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