07 April 2009

"All Afternoon Those Birds Twitter Twit"

  • 07:53 At the backup writing site (read: the site close to home cos I got up late) with a red-eye, Night Ranger on the headphones, & my latest #wip #
  • 08:00 "And it's hard livin' life on this mem'ry-go-round" (I luv 80s lyrics!) ♫ blip.fm/~3xdvb #
  • 08:05 "I remember when you learned about love in the back of a Chevrolet / No good for an old memory to mean so much ... ♫ blip.fm/~3xdzw #
  • 08:53 Giving myself a headache trying to focus on revision. I'm >this close< to just trashing this story. #wip #
  • 11:22 Glad I got a minuscule amount of writing done. Lunch will be cut short because I'm a needle slu...I mean, to get some blood drawn :) #
  • 12:04 What one novelist's revision plan looks like www.caitlinkittredge.com/?p=926 #
  • 12:39 Lunch (even w/the accompanying needle) just cannot come fast enough. #
  • 15:43 Really enjoying the Amateur Hour show here at the day job (not). #
  • 17:50 And on top of it all, I'm probably going to be hanging out late at work. I'm stopping for a drink on the way home, & I don't mean coffee. #
  • 19:01 Got out on time after all, but just barely. And now I'm sitting w/a pint of ale. Day doesn't seem so bad, now :D. #
  • 19:03 Reading The Lone Star Stories Reader by Eric T. Marin - tinyurl.com/cvv9rr #
  • 20:13 is starting The Lone Star Stories Reader by Eric T. Marin. Skimmed the introduction of the free pdf download. #
  • 22:06 Relaxing to a couple of beers and EASTENDERS. #
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