21 October 2008

Tweets for Today

  • 04:10 "Four in the morning came without a warning..." Dammit. ♫ blip.fm/~i2a0 #
  • 07:16 Surprisingly awake, despite the intermittent insomnia. #
  • 09:18 Bus arrived late and no coffee left upon arrival. This does not bode well. #
  • 09:42 The No Writing on Skool Days rule is back in effect...sort of. #
  • 12:16 Pounding my head against this stats software for skool. Lack of sleep and decent caffeine isn't helping. #
  • 14:31 No Writing on Skool Days, my ass :). 1 pg. of notes, that's all. I swear! #
  • 17:08 Needs a little bit o' ___ to relax my mind. ♫ blip.fm/~ibsl #
  • 17:08 Feeling like Mr. Spock in the episode "Spock's Brain." #
  • 17:15 Trying to decide just how lazy I want to be for the next 90 minutes... #
Via LoudTwitter