28 October 2012

"Keep on talking all you want. Well you don't waste a minute of time..."

Next weekend, I'll be at the 2012 World Fantasy Convention in Toronto.  Won't get there until late Thursday, though.  If you aren't able to find me at the bar, or with the Dagan Books crew, you'll be able to catch me at Vaughn East at 3:00 pm Friday at my first panel ever...

You're probably thinking, "There goes the neighborh..." "How did a yahoo like you get on a WFC panel?"  Probably because of the book I co-edited, Bibliotheca Fantastica.

So yes, I am ostensibly relevant to the panel's interests.  But still, I look at that lineup of my fellow panelists, and all I can think of is...

I switched the lyric from Steve Winwood's "Freedom Overspill" that I was going to use as the title of this post.  It was originally a line from the bridge...
You got no right going around
Talking 'bout the things that you do
But screw all that because, hey, ZOMGI'mgonnabeonaPANELatWFC!!!ZOMG!!!  So, here I am--rather, there I'll be--hopefully caffeinated, fighting off my imposter syndrome, and talking about books!

20 October 2012

"I'm just looking for clues at the scene of the crime..."

This is a "Proof of life" post.

I do have stuff I could be talking about.  Just don't quite have the wherewithal yet.  Mostly because it requires a level of organizational thought which I'm not currently capable, since I'm still recovering from whatever Andromeda Strain kept me away from the dayjob last week.

In the meantime, here's the stuff I've been marinating my brain in for the past couple of weeks...

12 October 2012

"That's just the way it is. Some things will never change..."

Seems like a lot of PBS documentary films set in the Philippines are coming out of the woodwork lately.  A few months ago, I saw Left By the Ship on Independent Lens , and last week on POVGive Up Tomorrow. That's awesome!!  Okay, I might be a little biased

Give Up Tomorrow was more relatable to me.  Not because anything in my life resembles the predicament of the film's primary subject, Paco LarraƱaga... well, come to think of it, no one's life could.  Back in the late 90s, well before the social media and just before the 24-hour news cycle, I remember catching the occasional word about the Philippines' version of "The Trial of the Century."  I never took the time to learn much about it, thinking it was just some Filipino hyperbole.

08 October 2012

"But behind the chalet, my holiday's complete..."

Popping my head out of the woodwork (read: out of my ass) again, because it's been too long.

Stuff going on that's too personal to report, but what I'd like to do is at least get to the backlog of stuff that isn't too personal.

Because, you all missed me, right?  Right?