26 June 2011

One of These Is Not Like the Others

I was doing research down a line similar to this--I guess you could call it music video anthropology--and I stumbled on some live performances from the Tower of Power of their classic song "So Very Hard To Go," performed by various line-ups of the band over 35 or so years.

Now, I'm not saying anything about quality.  Just that one of these is not like the others.

11 June 2011

06 June 2011

"Funny days in the park. Every day's the Fourth of July."

More pics from this year's Ithaca Festival at Stewart Park.  The weather was beautiful, so it was pretty crowded.  I didn't stay long and didn't really pay as much attention to individuals as I did the other day.  I visited the drum circle and saw a smattering of bands, but I spent most of my time watching the Ithaca Shakespeare Company's production of A Midsummer Night's Dream.  I'm sure you'll be able to suss out those pics.

04 June 2011

"People talking, people laughing. A man selling ice cream, singing Italian songs..."

The weather might've slowed the Ithaca Festival down a bit, but once the sun came out, so did most of the people.  The only things missing were some of the bands I'd seen on the Saturday part of the Ithaca Festival for years.  They either just aren't on the schedule or were playing on different days.  But still, I had my camera, and therefore, more potential story prompts.  More importantly, I ran into some cool folks!

"I am an artist. I LOVE a good party. So, truce. Commence au festival!"

Summer in Ithaca has officially started, with the Ithaca Festival Parade, after which will follow three days of some of the best people-watching a writer could ask for!  I realize how prickish that must sound, and I'll cop to saying/feeling that in a prickish manner when I experienced my first Ithaca Festival.  I'm not sure what changed, but I feel like it was something more than a mere moment of clarity. Anywho, the fact remains that every parade, I get a bunch of potential new story ideas, which is why my camera is my best friend this time of year...

01 June 2011

"I can still hear you saying you would never break the chain..."

All I can say is, never say never... :(

I can say, though that May does look a bit better than April, which looks a damn sight better than March.