24 January 2009

Tweets for Today

  • 06:58 Getting ready to leave for funeral a couple towns over. Expecting the day to be very, very long. #
  • 17:56 Funeral went well. More love than you could shake a stick at. Sooooo tired, but there's 1 day left of stuff still to do. #
  • 18:14 @GigiVernon Woohoo on the 1st draft!! I got a couple or five to finish... #
  • 18:24 Some writing advice+stark realism from JA Konrath tinyurl.com/b7rfl7 #
  • 21:48 1 last mom-in-law related task to attend to tomorrow. In the meantime, making my plan of attack for wrapping up the final draft of last WIP. #
Via LoudTwitter