15 January 2009

Tweets for Today

  • 08:31 Need some Menahan to get into the writing zone this morning. ♫ blip.fm/~1ltml #
  • 09:38 I need to shoehorn a mere 500some words of character, setting, and background details into the WIP before I can finally declare it done. #
  • 09:43 Now I know why the WIP depresses me. Working on it has been a clear example of Zeno's Dichotomy Paradox of Motion. tinyurl.com/2hyc3e #
  • 10:37 Ack! Another 2.5 hour meeting after lunch! I'll be fine as long as there's WiFi. If not, I won't be responsible for what happens ;). #
  • 12:10 I should not be feeling as exhausted as I am right now. #
  • 12:11 Dammit, I better not be coming down with something this close to the start of classes. If I am, I'm clearing my weekend calendar & sleeping. #
  • 13:33 Staked out a prime seat for my long-ass afternoon meeting. Saving all lunchtime writing until then ;). #
  • 13:38 WTF? No more development for Google Notebook anymore??? tinyurl.com/7nqpcb #
  • 13:49 Opened the file, but can barely stand to look at my Zeno's Dichotomy Paradox of a WIP :(. Almost think I'd rather pay attention to the mtg. #
  • 14:01 Motherf...being made to move up to the front...goddammit! #
  • 17:08 Survived the meeting *and* still got internet time during the most boring bits. Otherwise, I would've strangled myself with my 12' scarf. #
  • 18:29 Escaped from Alcatraz. Shhhh. Let's see if I can't get closer to done, here. #
  • 18:31 Let's see if Eliane Elias playing Bill Evans tunes will put me in the zone. #
  • 19:17 1st 5 pgs & last 5 pgs of WIP are as clean as they're gonna get. Still need to cram 300 more words of background/setting. #
  • 19:18 I hereby grant myself permission to screw around for the rest of the night. :P~ #
Via LoudTwitter