04 January 2009

Tweets for Today

  • 08:05 Gonna head out for food, coffee, and one last pass through the WIP to make it readable for crit group today. It may be a lost cause. #
  • 08:20 Rather, I *was* gonna head out now--it's only 2 degrees??? #
  • 08:43 @kajamarie I read 1/2 of that book about a year or so ago. It's still in my reading queue. Good stuff in there! #
  • 09:23 2 degrees, my ass. It's gotta be at least 17, maybe 18. Balmy! Okay, to work! #
  • 10:21 I think what I've got is as good as it's going to get. Still, I fully expect to be crucified at group. #
  • 18:34 Crit group today was the gentlest crucifixion I've ever experienced ;). #
  • 18:44 Unlike yesterday, I'm gonna eat and rest before I dive into edits. #
  • 22:44 Finished processing the group's critiques. Have a *very* rough map of the changes to make on the WIP this week. #
  • 22:49 I'm really, really not ready to go back to work tomorrow :(. #
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