05 September 2008

Tweets for Today

  • 17:47 Feeling 'bout half past dead. #
  • 17:48 Finished one editing pass on a project. Just one more and it'll be ready to get shipped out and get rejected!!! #
  • 17:50 Now if I can just figure out why the hell FF crashes on startup!! #
  • 21:39 Spent the majority of my Fri. nite waiting for things I shouldn't have been fucking waiting for!! #
  • 21:39 And now I'm gonna take it out on someone thru a customer service survey. #
  • 21:40 "I don't wanna hear shit, and I don't give a shit." -Ricky Roma, GLENGARRY GLEN ROSS #
  • 21:40 Just my way of "paying it forward." ;) #
Via LoudTwitter