09 May 2011

The Seekrit Nonfic WIP -- Revealed!

I'll be giving my first academic presentation ever at Ithaca College's 2011 Rod Serling Conference in September.  The conference is "an interdisciplinary academic conference dedicated to the works of Rod Serling."

08 May 2011

Nope, Still No Damn Jet Packs

(via Paleofuture)
This year's local Spring (W)rites literary festival snuck up on me this year. Like last year, I made it to a single event.  Yesterday, I attended a panel on "Sci-Fi vs. Sci-Fact" with local authors Nick Sagan (yes, Carl's boy) and Paul McEuen.  I almost didn't come, because I've been to this panel at sci-fi cons before.  But the names drew me.  

05 May 2011

"Traffic was slow for the crash years/ There's no other show like it 'round here"

I promised weekly writing progress reports, and I've fallen through.  On several levels.  So, here it is.  No excuses, no explanations, other than to say that my personal life has taken quite a few hits and it hasn't stopped.

Prepare to be underwhelmed...