In keeping with that, I'm scheduling this post to be pushed out after the class, just in case it kills me. This actually isn't (unless I'm deluding myself, which I suppose is possible) an attempt to fulfill a freshly minted New Year's resolution. Getting back into shape has been on my mind since I turned 40 last July. I've known for awhile that it's past time I put some consistent effort into maintaining this meat-sack of mine.
I set the bar low: to just not be a mass of blubber with no muscle tone. I'm not trying to recapture what I had in my late 20s/early 30s when I was training different martial arts and feeding an endorphin addiction by working out 3-4 times a week. Though I admit, I looked good those years. I'd lost two pants sizes, and wore jeans from high school. Now I'm back to where I was before I worked out, and then some. I was flexible back then. I'd just like some of that back. It's still kind of there I think; I've always had slightly above-average flexibility. But it doesn't take much to push it too far these days.
It still feels like a lot of my moves are still in me, though. But I'd be stupid to try them now, without a slow return via something like yoga. I'd end up looking just like this...
So, assuming this isn't my last entry, I'll be back with tales of how this over-40 meat-sack rises from the ashes...