Here's what else I learned...
- You can't carry enough business cards at WFC.
- Like an air traffic controller from a '70s disaster movie, I just failed to realize just how much James L. Sutter was on my radar until I met him face to face.
- I've heard of shitty hotel con bars before, but the bar this year was just, overall, the worst bar ever.
- When kids nowadays say, "This is this shit!" they're talking about Michael J. DeLuca's chocolate pepper stout home brew.
- Speaking of DeLuca, a 7" tablet full of panel notes is simply no match for his MacBook Pro's worth of notes.
- Speaking of panels, I found that I felt less like a redshirt on the Bibliofantasies panel and more like Chekhov in his first few episodes of ST:TOS.
- If there really is such a thing as an "Asian YA Mafia," I SO want in. Just tell me who I have to whack. Hell, I'll even start writing YA (maybe).
- I really need to write and submit something to Beneath Ceaseless Skies.
- After 2 or 3 cons, I finally learned that, yes, I could have a brief conversation with Ted Chiang without my face melting off like I'd just poked the Arc of the Covenant.
- If I'm at a con where Cheeky Frawg has a party, I'm so there!
- ChiZine throws a mean party, too!
- Annalee Newitz and Charlie Jane Anders from io9 are every bit as cool as I'd imagined!
- The most innovative drunken-snacking invention ever--taco fixings in a Dorito bag! Thanks, Ad Astra!
- It's odd how I could not see someone from my town the whole con, yet it seemed every time I turned around, there was Peter Straub. Kinda like how I barely saw my Dragon*Con roomies two years ago, yet Sylvester McCoy was just everywhere!
- Next time, how about saying something when a legendary 40-year veteran of SF/F editing comes into your party room and NOT just sit on the couch, slack-jawed as he walks in, heads for the swag, grabs a book, and walks out? Gotta say, though, the Dagan Books meetup was still a blast!
- "And now it's time for a breakdown," as the song goes: Carrie, Wes, Mike, Scott, James, Simon, Eugene, Carol, Michele, Amy, Tina, Helen (and her sister), and the 4 or 5 others (at least) I know I'm forgetting (Sorry!!), you made my con!