04 April 2009

"All Afternoon Those Birds Twitter Twit"

  • 08:26 Planned on the farmer's market this morning but it's too cold and damp right now. No coffee at home though. Must go out. #
  • 09:11 Tweeting from the diner. WiFi really is everywhere in this town! #
  • 09:14 Today is a day of rest. And by "rest," I mean writing sometime this afternoon before I've truly recovered from midterm trauma. #
  • 10:41 Would've gotten THE BEST OF CRANK! from the library if it wasn't missing the 1st 25 pages!! bit.ly/M1a0 #
  • 10:43 Gonna catch some of @FLEFF today. Lurk at a few talks, see a couple of films, maybe livetweet if there's WiFi... :) #
  • 13:03 Want to read: The Best of Crank! by Bryan Cholfin - tinyurl.com/c49brz #
  • 13:05 You know it's a small town when you can run into the same coworker at two separate places/events. #
  • 13:08 Nice FLEFF panel. Learned things re: doco film distribution that I didn't know but which make perfect sense WRT any art distribution. #
  • 13:11 Spending time at local CD fair was a mistake. Luckily, it was only a $15 mistake--could've been a LOT worse :(. #
  • 13:24 Reading The Orphan's Tales: In the Night Garden by Catherynne M. Valente - tinyurl.com/dmamkq #
  • 13:40 Only came back to the library to mooch WiFi until the next bus. I didn't mean to check out Series 4 of THE LAST DETECTIVE, honest!! #
  • 17:12 Getting Cassandra Wilson's latest CD on the cheap at the CD fair was awesome. Getting the latest from The Bad Plus was an epic WIN! #
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