24 March 2009

  • 08:22 Purposely getting off to a late start today to get more sleep. I can burn myself out this weekend. #
  • 08:24 Coming 4/7/09: Cassandra Wilson's CLOSER TO YOU: THE POP SIDE. Greatest hits but I'll get it for the cover *SWOON* tinyurl.com/cokctl #
  • 10:23 RT @ColleenLindsay Announcing Queryfail 2: Queries Never Die on Friday, April 17th... #queryfail #
  • 11:40 Head still stuffy. Voice unrecognizable, according to coworkers. Good time to make some prank calls? :) #
  • 12:27 On "Writing When You Don't Wanna" tinyurl.com/de83xg #
  • 14:25 Most cryptic fortune cookie fortune I've ever rec'd: "How much deeper would the ocean be without sponges?" WTF...? #
  • 14:31 No writing at lunch. Had to stare and new problem set instead. Having my skoolbooks w/me might've helped. *headdesk* #
  • 14:32 Meant, "Had to stare *at*..." Looks like I can't even write now, either :( #
  • 16:42 Bit my tongue so as not to give a coworker Pacino's speech from GLENGARRY GLEN ROSS. "You're job is to *help* us. Not to f**k us up!!" heh #
  • 16:50 Gonna sneak some writing in tonite to use some of the brainstorming I snuck in on the dayjob's dime >:D. #
  • 17:33 Can't get enough of this Steven Millhauser quote. Kinda like a mirror. www.goodreads.com/quotes/show/148862 #
  • 17:39 My kingdom for a bionic right plantar fascia :*( #
  • 18:17 Not looking forward to tomorrow AM's team meeting. Anticipating my academic plan might have to be retooled. #
  • 20:07 Couldn't go another minute w/out noise-cxl'ing headphones. Outside world can now suck--uh, I mean, can be less distracting :). #
  • 20:08 1 pg of rewrites--well worth the price of the headphones!! :) #
  • 20:42 Okay, gonna try today's skool problem set again, this time w/book in hand! T-minus 8 days to midterm! #
  • 22:40 I must be tired if I'm letting EASTENDERS distract me this much ;). #
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