- Much, much too rainy for the Farmer's Market. Good weather for writing, though! ♫ http://blip.fm/~jqwn
- Ack! Why, oh why must friends keep tempting me with the Booksale??
- Waiting for a mocha while putzing on wireless. Don't feel bad because at least I've got the MS next to me...
- Looks like my USB drive stayed clean because I serendipitously outsmarted the writer of the virus that's going around Skool and work :).
- Okay, got the mocha, a table with an outlet, and a clean USB drive. Now, I can write.
- Down to revising the last 2 pgs. of the MS.
- I like my ending. Just don't like how it reads...
- Finished (as much as it's ever going to be). Now for the dreaded market search.
- Found a Go-for-Broke market and a Safe-Bet market. Will decide tomorrow after another 5-10 rereads. Now: more coffee.
- Note to self: there's no point avoiding the Booksale if you're going to buy discount books at a bookstore.
- At home, pizza on the way, STAR TREK 2.0 on in 15 minutes, and a stack of reading. But, I want to start the next piece... :(
- Do I really need to start the next piece today? Not like I'd know where to start, but my subconscious just won't STFU!
- Printed version 2.0 of the new MS for review. Tomorrow. Done writing for the day, I think. Well, maybe just give it a quick once over...
26 October 2008
"All afternoon, those birds twitter twit"
Guess LoudTwitter must've had a senior moment last night. So here's the Tweets for Today recap from yesterday.
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