- Firefox/Twitter login troubles fixed. It was a goshdern add-on that's updated its update. I can sleep the sleep of angels, now.
- It's been two days--I miss writing.
- Fell off the red-eye wagon! I couldn't help it!! :(
- Sitting in a computer lab in front of a 19" monitor. I could get used to a 19" monitor.
- Trying to force myself to take a BREAK during lunch, and not force any writing or schoolwork. But, I'm tempted...
- Would really rather use a legit version of some stats software. But there are ways... >:)
- Tonite's writing agenda: checking to see if my latest project really can go without 1,250 words, or if I need to leave it.
- Feeling cranky after one red-eye. Well...one red-eye and two additional cups of coffee.
- Attempt to get legit stats software: Denied. Fine. ;)
19 September 2008
"All afternoon, those birds twitter twit"
...except for yesterday, when LoudTwitter didn't ship my "Tweets for Today" here, probably because of Twitter's update. Here's the recap.
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